Your dedicated and
trusted partner
Proactive Financial and Investment Banking Services

Thinking like owners
Successful processes are about the people you engage and their dedication to your objectives. We are highly engaged and committed to delivering exceptional outcomes for our clients.
Our relentless focus is on securing the best possible results for our clients. We think and act like owners, and we apply ourselves fully to each client engagement - and we never give up. Where others see problems, we see solutions and opportunities.
The effectiveness of Zenith is evident in the exceptional results, valuations and deal terms we have secured for clients over the course of decades.
Senior Attention
Countless decisions must be made over the course of an engagement, and it’s not always apparent which decisions will have lasting consequences. For this reason, our senior professionals lead every project and are hands-on at every step of the process. We believe there is no substitute for senior attention.
Zenith senior professionals have accumulated decades of collective experience from investment banking, board appointments, direct investments and management consulting. Together the team has executed hundreds transactions across multiple industries and geographies.
Partnership attitude
We are committed to provide our clients with a personalized service larger firms may struggle to match. On the other hand, our experienced bankers, relationships, and global network enables us to connect clients with buyers and sellers from all over the world more efficiently than smaller regional firms.
We are proud to have worked with clients and buyers from a wide range of industries and geographies, and we are always striving to deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients by implementing a highly-customized approach for every engagement.
Independent and Global
Independent setup secures that we work in the best interest of our clients at all times.
Our senior professionals have a broader experience base to offer than most of our peers. This secures the best results and also enables us to see and seek value creating solutions that others do not.
Global reach through our strong international networks has in many cases provided exceptional value.
The Zenith Difference

Acquisition and sell-side advisory services
Exit preparation
Exit, IPO and fundraising preparation
Capital Markets
Fundraising and IR strategy
Financial Consulting
CFO, financial reporting and valuation services
Special Situations
Turnarounds, dispute management and crisis management
Direct Investments
Management and services
Our Services

We Help Companies Grow by Relentless
focus on Value Creation
Zenith Advisory

M&A – Sell-side advisory services and Acquisitions
At Zenith we offer a complete package of Investment banking services:
Sell-side M&A for entrepreneurs, families and investment groups. Divesture of non-core activities for corporate clients.
Buy-side M&A / Acquisitions advisory services for corporate clients and financial buyers.
Mergers for one or both parties in assistance to secure a mutual satisfying structure/solution or to provide a fairness opinion.
MBI & MBO transaction services, where we can help setting the management team, help build an attractive investment case, secure succession or help individuals into ownership.
Joint Venture advisory, some times its better with JVs than acquisitions, we can help with such internationally.
Outsourced M&A department for Corporate clients or investment Groups. We are used to step in as part of the team and organization, we also offers to be the M&A department/originator for clients, and are quite flexible in structuring this.
Exit, IPO and fundraising preparation
Well-documented knowledge on what buyers/investors are looking for, what is creating a high valuation and how to position a company when considering the future and value creation.
Our activities include:
Input to company strategy and timing.
Strategic review of potential exit options.
Creating a compelling equity story and investment case.
Value optimization from a Gap analysis, where we identify quick wins and mid term wins.
Vertical and horizontal integrations, eg. “Buy & Build”.
Incentive structures – establishing right incentives for key employees and board.
Board composition and board changes.
Strategizing, planning and executing mentoring for key management positions or employees, pot. from board members with specific knowledge/strategic purpose.
Funding and capital structure considerations and optimization.

Capital Markets – Fundraising and IR strategy
We work to help our clients in obtaining funding for growth or other strategic initiatives.
Our services include:
Review of financing options and optimization according to the specific needs and plan.
Raising equity capital - private or public.
Debt private placements.
Financing rounds from Banks - securing best deal with banks for different debt products or purposes.
Convertible debt and other structured products.
Sale and lease back financing - asset backed solutions.
IR strategy for listed clients, including investor communication and planning.
Long term optimization of cap. table and investment story and strategizing on right country/market where to be listed.
CFO, Financial Reporting and Valuation Services
Act as your CFO, either as full time, part time, interim.
We support or act as CFO, during turnaround, special situations, both on interim or long term.
Increasing shareholder value by determine and focus on right financial KPIs, data and tools.
Value focused financial monitoring with focus on automation and optimizing speed in reporting.
Establishing proper reporting systems and tools for management, the board, owners and other stakeholders.
Governance structure and model.
Optimize capital structure and negotiations with banks and other funding providers.

Special situations - turnarounds and disputes
Turnarounds, dispute management and crisis management. Solution will vary case by case:
Disagreements amongst owners/shareholders to distressed situations etc.
We can take immediate actions in such situations, and will always focus on what is best for the company and for company value.
We can step in as active board members, management or just as consultants. Every case is different, and we adjust our setup accordingly.
Analysis of the situation and establish a clear strategy for execution. Negotiations with banks, stakeholders etc. as needed.
Direct investments – Management and Services
From time-to-time Zenith makes direct investments or are remunerated with ownership in some form as part of an assignment.
Direct investments (majority ownership) – we can take over (or participate) the management of a direct investment on behalf of a client (the actual owner).
Activist investments (minority ownership) – we can in a similar way, as with majority investment, take over the management of a client's investment in a company. We will typically step into the board and proactively work in the best interest of our client and for value creation.

Infinita Alliance
Infinita Alliance, is an M&A alliance of independent investment banks across the globe.
All senior staff has extensive experience within M&A from some of the largest investments banks, which is a must to join this alliance as our motto is “Large Investment Bank sophistication, boutique feel”.
With local presences in: USA, UK, Germany, Scandinavia, France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Poland, Switzerland, India, China, Japan.
Energy Transition
Finergreen is an investment bank dedicated to the energy transition – highly recognized from the renewables energy market (solar, wind, biomass, hydro, etc.) now with an extended scope to support sustainable development solutions (electric mobility, green hydrogen, CO2 storage, etc.).
Finergreen is an independent international firm operating in more than 100 countries through 12 offices in every single continent.
With more than 10 years of track record and a diversified geographic presence, Finergreen stands as a key player globally with 30+ transactions closed each year.
CFO and Reporting etc.
Andersen Global
Andersen Global was established in 2013 (2002) by 23 former Arthur Andersen partners providing best in class financial advisory services, CFO services, tax and legal services around the world. Andersen Global is the fastest-growing independent, multidisci-plinary professional services firm worldwide.
Andersen Global® is an association of legally separate, independent member firms, comprised of more than 15,000 professionals worldwide, over 2,000 global partners, and a presence in over 425 locations in more than 170 countries worldwide.
International Networks
Zenith are the Scandinavian Partner

Our founders
+25 years experience in Financial and Investment Banking Services. +100 transactions.
Located in the heart of Copenhagen.
Sankt Annæ Plads 13
1250 Copenhagen